Grass Seed
Grow a thick, lush lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood with premium grass seed mixture from Jonathan Green. Our genetically superior grass seed, soil enhancers, fertilizers, and organic lawn products will transform your lawn and help it thrive.
Jonathan Green has specialized in beautiful lawns since 1881. Six generations of the family have worked to perfect our genetically superior grass seed and our family of lawn and soil care products. With our New American Lawn Care Plan, caring for your lawn will be easier than ever.
Types of Turfgrass
When planning your lawn, you will have to select the type of grass you would like to grow. There are two main categories of turfgrass – cool-season and warm-season. Your success will depend on selecting the best grass seed for your situation.
- Cool-season grasses include Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescues and Fine Fescues, and they dominate the cooler northern regions of the country. They thrive in air temperatures of 65-80°F and grow rapidly in the spring and fall. Cool-season grasses are drought-tolerant and very hardy.
- Warm-season grasses include Bahia, Bermuda, Centipede, St. Augustine, and Zoysia, and grow most actively in the warmer areas of the country. They prefer air temperatures in the 75-90°F range. These grasses achieve their peak growth in summer and will become dormant and turn brown during the cooler seasons.
Jonathan Green Black Beauty® grass seed mixture is most similar to what is grown on sod farms and is the ideal choice if you will be planting cool-season grass and want the best-looking lawn in the neighborhood!
Jonathan Green Black Beauty® grass seeds are:
- Deeply rooted (up to 4 feet)
- Disease-resistant
- Drought tolerant thanks to the invisible waxy leaf coating that preserves moisture in the plant (similar to the wax on an apple)
- Dark green in color
- Uniform leaf texture
- Contain Endophytes for natural insect resistance
Levels of Shade
How much sun does your yard get? Different types of grasses will tolerate different levels of shade. Most of them love sun and need at least six hours of direct sunlight to thrive. Shade-tolerant grass mixtures, however, can thrive in sporadic sunshine or partial shade.
Black Beauty® Sunny Grass Seed is a grass seed mixture that provides a long-lasting lawn of the highest quality in stressful, sunny growing conditions. It contains Black Beauty® Tall Fescues and the highest-rated, endophytic turfgrass varieties that deter damage from insects. It grows well in full sun, germinates in 10 to 14 days, and is deeply rooted for superior drought tolerance.
For dense shade areas, we have developed Black Beauty® Dense Shade Grass Seed. It contains several grass varieties for species diversity, including Black Beauty® Tall Fescues, and naturally insect-resistant endophytic turfgrass varieties that help deter pests. This seed mixture can thrive in both medium and densely shaded areas as well as in dry or sandy soils where other grass seeds have failed.
Mentioned Products
Learn more about grass seed by visiting Jonathan Green online or your nearest independent retail store where you can always count on reliable lawn and garden advice.