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Can You Put Down Too Much Grass Seed?

4 min read

All plants, including grass plants, need adequate soil space for roots to spread and develop. If you put down too much grass seed, you will encourage competition that will cause your grass seedlings to struggle after germination because there will be excessive competition for sunlight, soil nutrients, and water. You’ll know if you seeded too heavy when the grass grows in very thick patches. These patches look great initially but are eventually thinned out by turf disease.

At Jonathan Green, lush green lawns are our business. We have been perfecting the art of green lawns since 1881 and have continued this tradition for five generations. We employ the latest scientific technology and research to ensure that we have the best products on the market, so you end up with a strong, healthy, dark-green lawn.

How Much Grass Seed Do You Need?

Whether starting from scratch or overseeding an existing lawn, it’s important to follow the directions on the back of the grass seed bag for the best results.

Selecting the right grass seed is crucial to a successful seeding. We recommend our Black Beauty® Original Grass Seed, which is genetically superior and bred to perform under a wide range of diverse growing conditions. The end result is a great looking, naturally dark-green lawn that is drought and disease resistant and develops roots that grow up to four feet deep.

To determine how much seed you will need, multiply the length of your lawn by its width. Deduct any non-lawn areas that overlap it (such as landscape beds, patio, deck, pool, walkways, etc.) from the total. This will give you the total square footage of your lawn.

We also recommend investing in a lawn spreader. This will provide a uniform distribution of seed over the area and give you the maximum coverage described on the grass seed bag.

When planting Black Beauty® grass seed mixtures, refer to our Spreader Settings page and select the product you are using to calculate what the correct spreader setting should be. For grass seed and fertilizer, the application rate is usually expressed in pounds. (Application Rate = Amount Applied (pounds)/Area covered (square feet).) The spreader setting listed on the Jonathan Green website will ensure that you apply the right amount of lawn products and also achieve the proper coverage.

Jonathan Green Jonathan Green Deluxe Broadcast Spreader hold up to 15,000 sq. ft. of material and have large pneumatic (air-filled) tires that make them easy to push over rough terrain and on large lawns.

When using a broadcast or rotary spreader, apply in a circular path starting on the outside and working toward the center for the best results. Slightly overlapping the seed will ensure complete coverage.

When using a drop spreader, first apply border strips along the edge of each end of the lawn. After this is done, apply grass seed along the length of the lawn, overlapping slightly and shutting off the spreader before turning as you reach the edge of the border strips.

Once the grass seed has been planted, start watering the lawn and keep the soil moist for several weeks. Daily watering is helpful until the grass seed germinates.

There is no advantage gained when you put down too much grass seed. You can create the great lawn you desire by reading the recommended seeding rates for the grass seed mixture you have chosen. Visit us online at or locate your nearest independent retail store where you can always count on reliable lawn and garden advice.

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