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When to Plant Grass Seed in Iowa

4 min read

When you plan to plant grass seed in Iowa, Jonathan Green has tips and recommendations you will appreciate.

Jonathan Green has specialized in beautiful lawns since 1881. Six generations of the family have worked to perfect our genetically superior grass seed and our family of lawn and soil care products. Our products will transform every aspect of your lawn to help it thrive like never before and, with our New American Lawn Care Plan, caring for your lawn will be easier than ever.

The Best Grass Planting Time

The best time to seed cool-season grasses in Iowa is late summer/early fall (ideally mid-August to mid-September). The soil temperatures and moisture at this time of year promote optimum seed germination and the cooler air temperatures are better for grass growth.

When you choose Black Beauty turfgrasses that are so deeply rooted (up to four feet deep) and drought tolerant, you can still enjoy great success by planting grass seed in the spring (March to mid-June) but may have to contend with crabgrass and other weeds.

Fortunately, Jonathan Green Veri-Green Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer kills dandelions, clovers, chickweed and over 250 other broadleaf weed varieties, as well as smaller, less leafy weeds. It has a three-way action that kills weeds down to the root and feeds desirable grasses for up to three months, while weeds gradually disappear from the lawn.

Understanding the New American Lawn Care Plan

It’s important to feed your lawn so that it will be ready for whatever the weather is going to bring next. Each one of our products is designed to help your lawn handle the stress of the environment.

In early spring, apply our Veri-Green Crabgrass Preventer plus Lawn Fertilizer. This product provides your lawn with the nutrients it needs after a harsh winter and will ensure that no crabgrass pops up in spring.

In summer, treat the soil with Mag-I-Cal® for Lawns in Acidic Soil to correct the pH of the soil. The full pH scale runs from 1 to 14, but lawn grasses perform at their best in a neutral pH, or between 6.2 and 7.0. Mag-I-Cal will also loosen up hard soil and activate the microbes within the soil. These microbes break down the nutrients that your grass needs, making it easier for the grass roots to absorb them.

In fall, it’s time to “winterize” your lawn with Winter Survival Fall Lawn Fertilizer. This will feed your lawn, keep it a deep-green color later into the year, and help it to handle the winter stress and early spring turf diseases.

By following Jonathan Green’s revolutionary New American Lawn Plan, you will learn how to address the root causes of any lawn problems, instead of merely battling symptoms, such as weeds and insects. Our objective is to feed your lawn AND your soil to encourage your Black Beauty® lawn to thrive.

For more tips on when to plant grass seed in Iowa and how to care for your lawn, visit us online at JonathanGreen.com or visit your nearest independent retail store for expert lawn care advice.

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