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How do I use a spreader?
A spreader is a great tool to use for planting grass seed or feeding your lawn!
To ensure you use it properly, carefully follow these instructions:
1. Identify Your Spreader
There are two types of spreaders: drop spreaders and rotary spreaders. Drop spreaders are most commonly used on smaller lawns and areas where you want to have a more localized application. Rotary spreaders have a circular, fan-like feature that allows the product to be dispersed across larger areas of grass.
2. Check your Spreader Settings
Spreader settings can be found on the back of most grass seed bags. Visit our spreader settings page to find the setting that corresponds to the specific Jonathan Green product you’ve selected. Spin the dial on your spreader to the correct setting.
3. Close the Hopper
Before you begin to use your spreader tool, make sure the port at the bottom of the tool is closed to avoid excess product spilling out onto the ground.
4. Fill the Spreader
Ensure that your spreader is closed before filling it and pour the correct amount of product into the spreader, being careful not to overfill it. Always make sure you are filling your spreader in a driveway or on the sidewalk to avoid spilling excess product onto your lawn.
5. Apply the Product
It’s all in the technique! Walk at a steady pace while using your spreader to apply the product evenly to the entire lawn. We recommend first applying product around the perimeter of your lawn as a buffer zone and then making passes back and forth until the entire lawn is covered. Make sure to slightly overlap each pass so that you do not miss any strips of grass. Once you are finished, sweep any excess product off of hard surfaces and back onto the lawn.
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