Best Grass Seed for Kansas
Take time to learn which grass seed is most suitable for Kansas and how to seed your lawn properly to get the best results.
Jonathan Green has specialized in beautiful lawns since 1881. Six generations of the family have perfected our genetically superior grass seed and our family of lawn and soil care products. Our products will transform every aspect of your lawn to help it thrive like never before, and caring for your lawn will be easier than ever.
Buy the Best Grass Seed You Can Find
The ideal grass seed should consist of several varietals, be drought-resistant, disease-resistant, and insect-resistant, and establish deep roots. Finding all of these qualities in a grass seed is not always easy, but Black Beauty® Original Grass Seed does it all!
Used by leading sod growers across the country, our genetically superior Black Beauty® Original Grass Seed creates a lawn full of grass that:
- Has deep roots that grow up to 4 feet deep for superior heat resistance;
- Features an invisible waxy leaf coating that wards off disease and locks in moisture;
- Is dark green, lush, and uniform;
- Grows well in clay or sandy soils;
- Grows well in both the sun and shade;
- Is endophyte-bred for natural insect resistance.
How to Plant Grass Seed
One of the biggest things to be aware of when planting grass seed is that the seed must come in good contact with the soil. The first step of the planting process is to rake through the dirt. This will remove any debris and loosen the soil. You will need at least half an inch of loose soil for planting.
If your soil is particularly hard or compacted, we have a product that can help loosen the soil for better root growth. Love Your Soil® is designed to allow roots, air, and water to move deeper into the soil while unlocking trapped nutrients. The new grass roots will grow much deeper when you spread Love Your Soil. It can be used right before or after seeding.
Once the soil has been loosened, it is an excellent time to test the pH. You can do this by purchasing a pH tester at your local hardware supply store. Once you know your soil’s pH, you can either raise the soil pH with Mag-I-Cal® Plus for Lawns in Acidic & Hard Soil or lower it with Mag-I-Cal® Plus for Lawns in Alkaline & Hard Soil.
You want the pH to be in the range of 6.2 to 7.0. Our Mag-I-Cal® Plus for Lawns in Alkaline & Hard Soil will help to rapidly balance the soil’s pH and, at the same time, help the lawn grow greener and healthier. It can be used immediately before seeding, but keep checking your soil because it may take more than one application to reach the ideal pH for lawn establishment or maintenance.
Once you have spread the seed into the soil, you will need to keep the seedbed damp for a few weeks while the grass seed germinates. Plan to water daily and possibly twice daily (unless it’s raining) until the new grass is four inches high. You should also fertilize with our Veri-Green Starter Fertilizer for Seeding & Sodding to get your new grass plantings off to a fast start
Mentioned Products
The best grass seed for Kansas is Jonathan Green’s genetically superior grass seed. Visit us at or find our premium products at your nearest independent retail store.