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Best Moss Killer for Lawns

Lawn Disease
4 min read

Moss can be eliminated from lawns by correcting the soil conditions that encourage it to grow. The best moss killer is available from Jonathan Green. It will help you achieve a healthy, beautiful, moss-free lawn.

At Jonathan Green, lush green lawns are our business. We have been perfecting the art of green lawns since 1881, and have continued the tradition for six generations. We employ the latest scientific technology and research to ensure that we have the best products on the market to help you grow a strong, healthy, dark- green lawn.

We supply cool season grass seed, soil enhancers, fertilizer, and organic lawn and garden products to professional customers, such as sod growers and also to independent garden centers and hardware store retailers, across the United States.

Get Rid of Lawn Moss

Moss tends to thrive in lawns because of too much shade, compacted soil, poorly drained soil, low soil fertility, low soil pH, and poor air circulation. Other causes include poor lawn care, including improper mowing and inadequate fertilization.

The most effective method of eliminating moss is to feed your grass plants and soil so that the grass will grow better.

Apply Lawn Moss Control – Jonathan Green’s Lawn Moss Control kills lawn moss quickly and can be used anytime. There is 50% more active ingredient in each 5,000 sq. ft. bag compared with other brands, so you can expect more effective control. Lightly rake the lawn to remove leaves and dead grass. Mow moss-covered areas to fully expose the moss and allow the product to enter the soil more easily. Water after application to accelerate the killing action.

Raise the Soil pH – Moss flourishes in low pH soil conditions. Test your soil with a soil pH test kit. The optimal pH range is 6.2 to 7.0, or a slightly acidic to neutral reading on the pH scale. You can find out your soil’s pH by using the Jonathan Green Soil pH Test Kit for Lawns. Acidic soils will turn the soil/distilled water solution in the test tube an orange/red color. The test tube comes in the Jonathan Green test kit along with the pH testing powder and complete instructions. If the soil pH is below the optimum range, apply our Mag-I-Cal® for Lawns in Acidic Soil to rapidly raise the pH. MAG-I-CAL® is a highly soluble form of calcium that can be applied at any time during the growing season. One 5,000 sq. ft. bag is equal to 5 bags of regular pelletized limestone and can be applied right before you seed.

Aerate Compacted Soil – Once the pH level of the soil is balanced, use Jonathan Green Love Your Soil® to loosen and aerate it, improve the drainage, and make it easier for grass plant roots to grow.  Love Your Soil will also activate the microbes in the soil, making it easier for the roots to absorb nutrients and resulting in stronger, healthier grass.

Trim Back Tree Limbs Grass plants need plenty of sunlight in order to photosynthesize and thrive properly. If too much shade is contributing to moss growth, encourage more sunlight by thinning tree limbs, and trimming back any other plants or bushes that surround the lawn.

If you desire a healthy, beautiful lawn, feed your grass plants and soil instead of helping the moss grow. Discover the best moss killer at Jonathan Green. Visit us online at or visit your nearest independent retail store for more lawn care advice.

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