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Dense Shade Grass Seed

4 min read

If you have areas of dense shade underneath trees or other obstructions, you need a high-quality dense shade grass seed. Dense shade areas require a special type of seed that can thrive with limited sunlight. At Jonathan Green, we have created a product that has been tested and proven to grow well in dense shade areas.

Jonathan Green is a leader in high quality lawn care products and genetically superior grass seed. For over 100 years, we have been researching and experimenting with different varietals of grass seed to create the highest quality of cool season grass seed available. It is the choice of homeowners and sod growers alike and is available throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Midwestern United States, and in 2019 at True Value and Do It Best hardware stores in the Western United States.

table and chairs standing on a lawn at the garden

Black Beauty Dense Shade Grass Seed

Our Black Beauty Dense Shade Mixture is designed to succeed where other grass seed has failed. It performs in both medium and heavily shaded areas. It is also good for difficult soils, such as dry, sandy soils and damp, heavy clay soils. The seed mixture itself is also designed to be insect resistant by including naturally insect resistant endophytic turfgrass varieties.

The quality of this seed is unlike any other. The grass roots grow up to four feet deep, which means they are able to compete with tree roots. Deeper roots also mean that the grass is able to withstand the dry season and absorb nutrients and moisture from the soil. The grass also develops a waxy coating that helps each blade of grass retain moisture and fend off disease and pests.  The grass has a deep, rich green color and a uniform vertical growing pattern.

Tips for Planting Grass Seed

The most important tip for planting grass seed is to plant it during the right time of year. Our cool season grass seed should be planted between March to mid-June or from August to October.

Pick the right grass seed. If you have a mixture of sunny and shady areas, we recommend our Black Beauty Ultra grass seed. It can survive in both shady and sunny areas and allows for the entire lawn to be seeded at one time.

Check the pH of the soil. The wrong pH level can prevent seeds from germinating or make your lawn grow in thin or scraggly. Ideally you want a pH between 6.2 and 7. If your pH level is outside this range, then you can correct it with Mag-I-Cal.

Make sure you rake through the grass or bare dirt before laying down the grass seed. You want to remove all debris and any dead grass that pulls out easily from the soil. This will improve the seed-to-soil contact.

Frequently water the lawn. You should be watering a newly seeded lawn daily. The frequent watering will keep the dirt moist and loose so that the roots can go deep into the soil.

We have more advice on how to seed your lawn as well as more information about our dense shade grass mixture online at You can also visit your local independent retail lawn store where they will be happy to answer your questions.  

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