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Step by Step Annual Lawn Care Programs

Step by step annual lawn care programs from Jonathan Green will make it easier than ever to care for your lawn. Our goal is to help you feed your lawn AND your soil so that you can grow a beautiful Black Beauty® lawn.

Jonathan Green has been growing beautiful, dark-green lawns since 1881.  We supply genetically superior cool-season grass seed and other lawn and soil care products to commercial sod growers and independent home and garden retailers in all areas of the United States where cool-season lawn grasses – Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, and Fine Fescues – are grown.

We employ the latest scientific technology and research to ensure that we have the best products on the market. All of our products are tested to make sure they will perform well on your lawn. The result will be a beautiful green, healthy lawn for you and your family.

Best Lawn Care Program for Acidic Soil

The Jonathan Green four-bag annual Annual Lawn Care Program for Acidic Soil greens up the lawn and gently feeds it all season long.  This program is used in the eastern and midwestern United States, where soils generally have a low pH. It is specially formulated to raise soil pH and kill crabgrass, dandelions, chickweed, clover, and over 250 other weeds. However, it is not safe for use around children or pets and should not be used when seeding.

Step 1: Veri-Green Crabgrass Preventer plus Lawn Fertilizer
Step 2: Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer
Step 3: MAG-I-CAL® Plus for Lawns in Acidic and Hard Soils
Step 4: Winter Survival Fall Lawn Fertilizer

If you prefer an eco-friendly, organic solution, consider our four-bag Natural Annual Lawn Care Program for Acidic Soil that greens up the lawn in spring and gently feeds it all season long with 100% organic lawn food.

Step 1: Corn Gluten Weed Preventer plus Lawn Food
Step 2: Organic Lawn Food
Step 3: MAG-I-CAL® Plus for Lawns in Acidic and Hard Soil
Step 4: Organic Lawn Food

Our Organic Lawn Care Program is safe for children and pets and will not burn the lawn. Not only will it feed the lawn, but it will also prevent weeds, balance pH, and loosen hard soil.

Best Lawn Care Program for Alkaline Soil

The Jonathan Green four-bag annual Annual Lawn Care Program for Alkaline Soil greens up the lawn and gently feeds it all season long. This program is used in the western United States, where soils generally have a high pH. It is specially formulated to lower soil pH and kill crabgrass, dandelions, chickweed, clover, and over 250 other weeds. However, it is not safe to use around children or pets and should not be used when seeding.

Step 1:  Veri-Green Crabgrass Preventer plus Lawn Fertilizer
Step 2:  Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer
Step 3:  MAG-I-CAL® Plus for Lawns in Alkaline and Hard Soil
Step 4:  Winter Survival Fall Lawn Fertilizer

For an organic alternative, try our Natural Annual Lawn Care Program for Alkaline Soil, which is generally used in the western United States where soils have a high pH. It is safe for children and pets and will organically feed the lawn, prevent weeds, balance pH, and loosen hard soil.

Step 1: Corn Gluten Weed Preventer plus Lawn Food
Step 2: Organic Lawn Food
Step 3: MAG-I-CAL® Plus for Lawns in Alkaline and Hard Soil
Step 4: Organic Lawn Food

For more information about step-by-step annual lawn care programs, visit Jonathan Green online or locate your nearest retail store where you can get reliable lawn and garden advice.

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